5 tips to maintain cleanliness in the office
By Green Maids | February 23, 2023 | Blog | comments 0
We spend a large part of our days in the place where we work, so keeping it clean and hygienic will bring multiple health benefits. Learn these 5 tips to maintain cleanliness in the office. Before starting, we must be aware that this is a very easy task, but it requires continuous maintenance and supervision.
A very common mistake is to tidy, clean and organize our space, and think that we do not have to worry about it until it is chaos again. Although you can follow these valuable tips daily, remember that Green Maids has a specialized team to do the hard work and achieve a deep cleaning in every space.

1. Antibacterial gel dispensers
They are a very convenient solution to use and help to complete hand hygiene. However, in no case does their use replace proper hand washing with soap and water.
2. Keeping the office tidy Tidiness and cleanliness go hand in hand.
A tidy office will be much easier to clean and will help the professional in charge of cleaning to be more effective. Remember that a chaotic office is more likely to accumulate dirt.
3. Limit the use of paper
It is inevitable to have the need to print contracts, invoices or any important document. However, as far as possible, it is better to try to work in digital format. You will make less mess and not waste as many papers.
4. Avoid eating at your desk.
One of the mistakes many companies make is turning the workspace into a multifunctional space. And this makes the workplace dirtier than it should be.
5. Raise awareness among other employees.
It is important that employees maintain their own hygiene so as not to affect their environment. On the other hand, it is necessary that they have a minimum of order and cleanliness in their workplace, as this will avoid unnecessary things.
All these tips will help to make the work environment a comfortable and pleasant place to work. Remember that Green Maids is always available to make your workplace a clean and pleasant space.