Special Airbnb Cleaning Services
By Green Maids | December 16, 2022 | Blog | comments 0
Cleanliness is certainly now more important than ever, and with special Airbnb cleaning services accommodation hosts must commit to a cleaning process, and GREEN MAIDS is here to help them put it into practice. This article walks you through each of the 3 steps in detail and includes recommendations, tips and tricks to help you meet the cleaning standards perfectly. These best practices are based on the Advanced Cleaning Manual, developed with health and hospitality experts with your well-being in mind.
Step 1: Prepare to clean safely
Ventilate rooms before and during cleaning. Regulatory authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend opening exterior doors and windows and using fans to promote air circulation in the space before cleaning and sanitizing. Ventilate the space for as long as possible before and during cleaning.
Use appropriate cleaning supplies. We recommend using only sanitizing and disinfecting solutions approved by the chemical regulatory agencies in your region (e.g. the Environmental Protection Agency or the European Chemicals Agency).
Step 2: Sanitize with disinfectant
Sanitizing involves using chemicals to reduce the number of germs and bacteria. During this step, our GREEN MAIDS team disinfects all areas that are touched the most. For example, door handles, light switches and furniture by spraying these surfaces with chemical disinfectant. Allow the disinfectant to remain wet for as long as necessary.
The label specifies how long the chemical must remain wet on a surface to effectively sanitize it. This allows time for the chemicals to kill as many germs as possible.
Allow surfaces to air dry. If you dry the surface before the contact time indicated, there is no guarantee that the product has eliminated the pathogens mentioned on the label.
Step 3: Re-establish the room
To avoid cross-contamination, it is important to finish cleaning and disinfecting a room before restoring it for the next guest.